Pastor John's Story

An Image of our Pastor John Hebblethwaite, smiling.
Introduction to John’s Story

In June 1999, the church called John Hebblethwaite to be our pastor and a full-time elder. John’s story starts in Nottingham where he was born and lived most of his early years with his family in Sutton Bonington. During this time he attended Primary School and then Harry Carlton Secondary School (now East Leake Academy) in East Leake.

Whilst living locally John came to a living faith in Christ under the ministry of the previous pastor and was baptised shortly before leaving to live in Nottingham (1989-1992). Whilst in Nottingham he studied for a Chemistry degree at Nottingham University. After a year out to travel around the world, John came back to Sutton Bonington, living in Charnwood Fields whilst studying for a PhD in Applied Biochemistry and Food Science.

In 1996 John went on to spend two years in theological training and church work in Cambridgeshire, studying on the trainee programme at Eden Baptist Church. During that time he worked with Over Baptist Church. It was there that he met his wife Katharine and they were married in Over in 1998.

Returning to Sutton Bonington

John and Katharine then came to Sutton Bonington and shortly afterwards John’s story of working with the church begins here. Katharine works as a Tax consultant in the East Midlands office of an international firm. John and Katharine have two children.

John is responsible for leading the church with a team of experienced elders. He has three primary areas of ministry: teaching, pastoral care and evangelism. John’s vision is to help build a diverse church united by the common desire for the love of Christ to be made known and experienced through the work of the Holy Spirit. He is committed to letting the Bible speak, seeking to demonstrate the relevance of God’s word for today’s church and society.

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